Sabbatical has unleashed my creativity. And today, my birthday, I’m publishing a culmination of this creativity – a short poetry book: A Spoonful of Poetry.
It’s free to read online. The online reading experience is powered by a website I programmed, and it lets readers browse, share, and link to poems on the web. It’s an unconventional medium, and I’m interested to see how you like it!
This project fuses my love of poetry and programming. On the surface, programming and poetry seem to be disparate crafts. But when tangled together, they sing a beautiful harmony about the nature of life.
Those who dismiss poetry blind themselves to beauty. Those who dismiss code can’t reason through a rational world.
Our lives are totally practical and completely unfathomable, all at once.
It’s at this peculiar intersection where I’ve written and built – I hope you enjoy reading.
You can read A Spoonful of Poetry online or order a copy if you prefer. As always, thank you for reading.
Loved this little book of poems. Precious gift!
Congrats man! Ordered to my Kindle and excited to have it to flip to whenever I'm in the mood for some poetry